Daily Report Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1Feedback2Report3PreviewToday's Date *How Do You Feel Today? *Rate 1 out of 5Rate 2 out of 5Rate 3 out of 5Rate 4 out of 5Rate 5 out of 5Describe how you feel after today's job. (1 - Very Unhappy) (2 - Unhappy) (3 - I Don't Know) (4 - Happy) (5 - Very Happy)Great! What's The Gist Today? *Let's Work On this Together. What Happened? *NextName *SelectABU-ALIMI, AishaIDUH ENOCHJOSEPH, SamsonMUSA, PhilipODOBA, MaryOGBU, DanielOGOEGBUNAM, GiftOGUDU, JoyOLIGBO, CindyONUCHUKWU, BlaireTHOMAS, JoyceUZUH, PaulWILLIAMS, GabrielNEW STAFF?What's Your Name? *Welcome to the team! We hope you’re ready for a wild ride of creativity-fueled brilliance, occasional chaos, and pretending to know what we're doing! We are also all about collaboration here... which means we'll definetly be stealing your snacks at some point! We love youuuuuuu!!!Branch *SelectAbujaLagosDepartment *SelectAdminFeedbackCustomer ServiceOperationsFront DeskHuman ResourcesTasks Completed Today *e.g 9:15am - 9:45am I prepared baits for rats / I attended to Dr. Coker and scheduled his fumigation on the portal. Pending Tasks / Tasks Ahead Type out all your pending tasks and when (date and time) you intend to execute. DO NOT write what you won't do. BackNextUpdating preview…This is a preview of your submission. It has not been submitted yet! Please take a moment to verify your information. You can also go back to make changes.BackSubmit STAFF OF THE QUARTERABU-ALIMI, Aisha (Feedback Officer)Last Appraisals Score: 87.4%